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frequenz.api.common.v1.microgrid.microgrid_pb2 ¤

Generated protocol buffer code.


frequenz.api.common.v1.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.MICROGRID_STATUS_ACTIVE: MicrogridStatus.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The microgrid is active.

frequenz.api.common.v1.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.MICROGRID_STATUS_INACTIVE: MicrogridStatus.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The microgrid is inactive.

frequenz.api.common.v1.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.MICROGRID_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED: MicrogridStatus.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The status is unspecified. This should not be used.


frequenz.api.common.v1.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.Microgrid ¤

Bases: Message

Microgrid contains details of a specific microgrid. A microgrid is a localized grouping of electricity generation, energy storage, and loads that normally operates connected to a traditional centralized grid. Each microgrid has a unique identifier and is associated with an enterprise account. A key feature is that it has a physical location and is situated in a delivery area.

Key Concepts

  • Physical Location: Geographical coordinates specify the exact physical location of the microgrid.
  • Delivery Area: Each microgrid is part of a broader delivery area, which is crucial for energy trading and compliance.
create_timestamp: google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp property ¤

The UTC timestamp indicating when the microgrid was initially created.

delivery_area: frequenz.api.common.v1.grid.delivery_area_pb2.DeliveryArea property ¤

The delivery area where the microgrid is located, as identified by a specific code.

If a microgrid is not connected to the grid (it is an island) it does not belong to any delivery area and this field will be missing, but it could be missing for other reasons as well.

enterprise_id: instance-attribute ¤

Unique identifier linking this microgrid to its parent enterprise account.

id: instance-attribute ¤

Unique identifier of the microgrid.

location: frequenz.api.common.v1.location_pb2.Location property ¤

Physical location of the microgrid, in geographical co-ordinates.

If the location is not known, this field will be missing.

name: builtins.str instance-attribute ¤

Name of the microgrid.

status: global___MicrogridStatus.ValueType instance-attribute ¤

The current status of the microgrid.

frequenz.api.common.v1.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.MicrogridComponentIDs ¤

Bases: Message

A message to link component IDs with their respective microgrid ID.

component_ids: google.protobuf.internal.containers.RepeatedScalarFieldContainer[] property ¤

List of component IDs belonging to this microgrid.

microgrid_id: instance-attribute ¤

The ID of the microgrid.

frequenz.api.common.v1.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.MicrogridStatus ¤

Bases: _MicrogridStatus

MicrogridStatus defines the possible statuses for a microgrid.