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frequenz.api.common.v1.microgrid.components.fuse_pb2 ¤

Generated protocol buffer code.


frequenz.api.common.v1.microgrid.components.fuse_pb2.Fuse ¤

Bases: Message

A representation of a fuse. The fuse component represents a fuse in the microgrid. It is used to protect components from overcurrents.

Source code in frequenz/api/common/v1/microgrid/components/
# @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)
rated_current: instance-attribute ¤

The rated current of the fuse in amperes. This is the maximum current that the fuse can withstand for a long time. This limit applies to currents both flowing in or out of each of the 3 phases individually.

In other words, a current i A at one of the phases of the node must comply with the following constraint: -rated_fuse_current <= i <= rated_fuse_current