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frequenz.api.common.v1.pagination.pagination_info_pb2 ¤

Generated protocol buffer code.


frequenz.api.common.v1.pagination.pagination_info_pb2.PaginationInfo ¤

Bases: Message

A message providing metadata about paginated list results. The PaginationInfo message delivers metadata concerning the paginated list results and should be appended to the response message of a list request. The total_items field must be set to the total count of items that adhere to the filter criteria defined in the request. The next_page_token field should be populated with the token to be used in the subsequent request to fetch the next page of results. If there are no additional results, the next_page_token field should be omitted.

Source code in frequenz/api/common/v1/pagination/
  DESCRIPTOR._options = None
# @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)
next_page_token: builtins.str instance-attribute ¤

Token for retrieving the next set of results.

total_items: instance-attribute ¤

The total number of items that match the filter criteria defined in the request.