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frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2 ¤

Generated protocol buffer code.


frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.CABLE_STATE_CHARGING_STATION_LOCKED: CableState.ValueType module-attribute ¤

A cable is connected to and locked with the EV charging station.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.CABLE_STATE_CHARGING_STATION_PLUGGED: CableState.ValueType module-attribute ¤

A cable is connected to the EV charging station, but is not locked with it.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.CABLE_STATE_EV_LOCKED: CableState.ValueType module-attribute ¤

A cable is connected to and locked with the EV charging station. The same cable is connected to and locked with the EV.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.CABLE_STATE_EV_PLUGGED: CableState.ValueType module-attribute ¤

A cable is connected to and locked with the EV charging station. The same cable is connected to the EV, but is not locked with it.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.CABLE_STATE_UNPLUGGED: CableState.ValueType module-attribute ¤

No cable is connected to the EV charging station.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.CABLE_STATE_UNSPECIFIED: CableState.ValueType module-attribute ¤

Default state.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.COMPONENT_STATE_AUTHORIZATION_REJECTED: ComponentState.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The EV charging station rejected the last authorization.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.COMPONENT_STATE_CHARGING: ComponentState.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The EV charging station is charging an EV.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.COMPONENT_STATE_DISCHARGING: ComponentState.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The EV charging station is discharging from an EV into the local microgrid.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.COMPONENT_STATE_ERROR: ComponentState.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The EV charging station is in an error state.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.COMPONENT_STATE_INTERRUPTED: ComponentState.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The EV charging process hes been temporarily interrupted.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.COMPONENT_STATE_NOT_READY: ComponentState.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The EV charging station is unplugged or RFID is not working.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.COMPONENT_STATE_READY: ComponentState.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The EV charging station is ready and waiting for a charging request

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.COMPONENT_STATE_STARTING: ComponentState.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The EV charging station is starting up.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.COMPONENT_STATE_UNKNOWN: ComponentState.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The state is provided by the device, but it can not be parsed as any of the above (known) states.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.COMPONENT_STATE_UNSPECIFIED: ComponentState.ValueType module-attribute ¤

Default state. This value is used only when the state information is not available.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_CABLE_INVALID: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The charging cable could not be locked.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_CABLE_LOCK_FAILED: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The charging cable could not be locked.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_CABLE_LOST: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The charging cable was unplugged unexpectedly.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_CONFIG_ERROR: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The system is incorrectly configured.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_CONSUMER_NON_STANDARD: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The connected consumer is not a standard-compliant EV.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_FAULT_CURRENT: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤

A fault current has been detected.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_HARDWARE_INACCESSIBLE: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The system cannot access the internal hardware.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_ILLEGAL_COMPONENT_STATE_REQUESTED: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The system received a request to move to an illegal state.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_INTERNAL: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The system has detected an unspecified internal error.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_OVERCURRENT: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤

DC charging voltage is higher than expected.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_OVERTEMPERATURE: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤

Temperature in the charging station is higher than expected.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_OVERVOLTAGE: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤

AC supply voltage is higher than expected.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_PLUG_UNKNOWN: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤

The charging cable has an unrecognised plug.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_SHORT_CIRCUIT: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤

A short circuit has been detected.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_SWITCH_ON_FAULT: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤

Something is preventing the DC contactor from being switched on.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_UNDERVOLTAGE: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤

AC supply voltage is lower than expected.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_UNEXPECTED_PILOT_FAILURE: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤

EV has sent an unexpected pilot signal.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ERROR_CODE_UNSPECIFIED: ErrorCode.ValueType module-attribute ¤



frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.CableState ¤

Bases: _CableState

The possible states of the cable connecting an EV charging station and an EV.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ComponentState ¤

Bases: _ComponentState

The possible states of an EV charging station.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.Data ¤

Bases: Message

EV charger data.

ac: frequenz.api.common.metrics.electrical_pb2.AC property ¤

AC metrics of the EV charging station. Contains data only if AC charging is supported by the EV charging station. (in which case, the type of the EV charging station is TYPE_AC or TYPE_HYBRID)

dc: frequenz.api.common.metrics.electrical_pb2.DC property ¤

DC metrics of the EV charging station. Contains data only if DC charging is supported by the EV charging station. (in which case, the type of the EV charging station is TYPE_DC or TYPE_HYBRID)

temperature: frequenz.api.common.metrics_pb2.Metric property ¤

The overall temperature of the EV charger. In degree Celsius (°C).

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.Error ¤

Bases: Message

Error message.

code: global___ErrorCode.ValueType instance-attribute ¤

The error code.

level: frequenz.api.microgrid.common_pb2.ErrorLevel.ValueType instance-attribute ¤

The error severity level.

msg: builtins.str instance-attribute ¤

The error message.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.ErrorCode ¤

Bases: _ErrorCode

Enumerated EV charger error codes.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.EvCharger ¤

Bases: Message

EvCharger details

data: global___Data property ¤

An EV charger data object.

errors: google.protobuf.internal.containers.RepeatedCompositeFieldContainer[global___Error] property ¤

A list of errors encountered the component. An empty list implies no error.

properties: global___Properties property ¤

The component properties

state: global___State property ¤

The EV charging station's state.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.Metadata ¤

Bases: Message

The EV charger metadata.

type: frequenz.api.common.components_pb2.EvChargerType.ValueType instance-attribute ¤

The EV charger type.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.Properties ¤

Bases: Message

EV charger properties.

firmware_ver: builtins.str instance-attribute ¤

The firmware version of the component.

frequenz.api.microgrid.ev_charger_pb2.State ¤

Bases: Message

State message.

cable_state: global___CableState.ValueType instance-attribute ¤

The state of the charging cable.

component_state: global___ComponentState.ValueType instance-attribute ¤

The state of the overall component.