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frequenz.api.microgrid.microgrid_pb2 ¤

Generated protocol buffer code.


frequenz.api.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.Component ¤

Bases: Message

A generic message for components. It is used to represent any category of component, with its static parameters.

category: frequenz.api.common.components_pb2.ComponentCategory.ValueType instance-attribute ¤

The category of the component.

id: instance-attribute ¤

A unique identifier for the component.

manufacturer: builtins.str instance-attribute ¤

The component manufacturer.

model_name: builtins.str instance-attribute ¤

The model name of the component.

name: builtins.str instance-attribute ¤

An optional name for the component.

frequenz.api.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.ComponentData ¤

Bases: Message

A generic container for data that can originate from any component type.

id: instance-attribute ¤

The component ID.

ts: google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp property ¤

The timestamp of when the data was measured.

frequenz.api.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.ComponentFilter ¤

Bases: Message

Parameters for filtering the components.

Source code in frequenz/api/microgrid/
# @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)
categories: google.protobuf.internal.containers.RepeatedScalarFieldContainer[frequenz.api.common.components_pb2.ComponentCategory.ValueType] property ¤

Return components that have the specified categories only.

ids: google.protobuf.internal.containers.RepeatedScalarFieldContainer[] property ¤

Return components that have the specified IDs only.

frequenz.api.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.ComponentIdParam ¤

Bases: Message

Encapsulation of a component ID, intended to be used as a parameter for rpc methods.

frequenz.api.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.ComponentList ¤

Bases: Message

A message containing a list of components, used as a return typ in certain RPC methods.

frequenz.api.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.Connection ¤

Bases: Message

Describes a single connection between components of the microgrid, with direction away from the grid endpoint, meaning it is aligned with positive current according to the passive sign convention:

end: instance-attribute ¤

id of the component the connection points to

start: instance-attribute ¤

id of the component the connection starts from

frequenz.api.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.ConnectionFilter ¤

Bases: Message

Parameters for filtering the component connections

ends: google.protobuf.internal.containers.RepeatedScalarFieldContainer[] property ¤

Only return connections that end at the specified component ID(s): if empty, connections with any end will be returned

starts: google.protobuf.internal.containers.RepeatedScalarFieldContainer[] property ¤

Only return connections that start from the specified component ID(s): if empty, connections with any start will be returned

frequenz.api.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.ConnectionList ¤

Bases: Message

List of connections between components

frequenz.api.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.Location ¤

Bases: Message

A pair of geographical co-ordinates, representing the location of a place.

Source code in frequenz/api/microgrid/
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['ListComponents']._serialized_options = b'\202\323\344\223\002\020\022\016/v1/components'
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['ListConnections']._options = None
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['ListConnections']._serialized_options = b'\202\323\344\223\002\021\022\017/v1/connections'
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['StreamComponentData']._options = None
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['StreamComponentData']._serialized_options = b'\202\323\344\223\002\032\022\030/v1/components/{id}/data'
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['CanStreamData']._options = None
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['CanStreamData']._serialized_options = b'\202\323\344\223\002\037\022\035/v1/components/{id}/canStream'
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['SetPowerActive']._options = None
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['SetPowerActive']._serialized_options = b'\202\323\344\223\0026\0224/v1/components/{component_id}/setPowerActive/{power}'
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['SetPowerReactive']._options = None
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['SetPowerReactive']._serialized_options = b'\202\323\344\223\0028\0226/v1/components/{component_id}/setPowerReactive/{power}'
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['Start']._options = None
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['Start']._serialized_options = b'\202\323\344\223\002\033\022\031/v1/components/{id}/start'
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['HotStandby']._options = None
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['HotStandby']._serialized_options = b'\202\323\344\223\002 \022\036/v1/components/{id}/hotStandby'
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['ColdStandby']._options = None
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['ColdStandby']._serialized_options = b'\202\323\344\223\002!\022\037/v1/components/{id}/coldStandby'
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['Stop']._options = None
_MICROGRID.methods_by_name['Stop']._serialized_options = b'\202\323\344\223\002\032\022\030/v1/components/{id}/stop'
latitude: builtins.float instance-attribute ¤

The latitude of the place.

longitude: builtins.float instance-attribute ¤

The longitude of the place.

frequenz.api.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.MicrogridMetadata ¤

Bases: Message

Metadata that describes a microgrid.

Source code in frequenz/api/microgrid/
location: global___Location property ¤

The location of the microgrid, in geographical co-ordinates.

microgrid_id: instance-attribute ¤

The microgrid ID. This is a natural number that uniquely identifies a given microgrid.

frequenz.api.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.PowerLevelParam ¤

Bases: Message

Parameters for setting the charge/discharge power of an appropriate component.

component_id: instance-attribute ¤

The ID of the component to set the output power of.

power_w: instance-attribute ¤

The output power level, in watts. This is always a +ve integer. The sign of the power level is controlled by the implementations of the Charge and Discharge RPC methods.

frequenz.api.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.SetBoundsParam ¤

Bases: Message

Parameters for setting bounds of a given metric of a given component.

bounds: frequenz.api.common.metrics_pb2.Bounds property ¤

The bounds for the target metric.

component_id: instance-attribute ¤

The ID of the target component.

target_metric: global___SetBoundsParam.TargetMetric.ValueType instance-attribute ¤

The target metric whose bounds have to be set.

TargetMetric ¤

Bases: _TargetMetric

An enumerated list of metrics whose bounds can be set.

frequenz.api.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.SetPowerActiveParam ¤

Bases: Message

Parameters for setting the active power of an appropriate component using the SetPowerActive RPC.

component_id: instance-attribute ¤

The ID of the component to set the output active power of.

power: builtins.float instance-attribute ¤

The output active power level, in watts. -ve values are for discharging, and +ve values are for charging.

frequenz.api.microgrid.microgrid_pb2.SetPowerReactiveParam ¤

Bases: Message

Parameters for setting the reactive power of an appropriate component using the SetPowerReactive RPC.

component_id: instance-attribute ¤

The ID of the component to set the output reactive power of.

power: builtins.float instance-attribute ¤

The output reactive power level, in VAr. -ve values are for inductive (lagging) power , and +ve values are for capacitive (leading) power.