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A channel is a communication mechanism that allows data (messages) to be transmitted between different coroutines. It consists of senders, which send messages, and receivers, which receive those messages. The channel itself acts as a conduit for these messages.

Conceptually, a channel looks like this:

Receiver Message Message Sender Channel

Besides this simple model, there are many variations of channels depending on various factors:

  • How many senders and receivers can a channel have?

  • Do all receivers receive all messages from all senders?

  • How many messages can a channel hold (buffered), or can it hold any messages at all (unbuffered)?

  • What happens if a sender tries to send a message to a full channel?

    • Does the send operation block until the channel has space again?
    • Does it fail?
    • Does it silently drop the message?

Because these questions can have many answers, there are different types of channels. Frequenz Channels offers a few of them:

More might be added in the future, and you can also create your own.