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frequenz.channels.experimental ¤

Experimental channel primitives.


This package contains experimental channel primitives that are not yet considered stable. They are subject to change without notice, including removal, even in minor updates.


frequenz.channels.experimental.Pipe ¤

Bases: Generic[ChannelMessageT]

A pipe between two channels.

The Pipe class takes a receiver and a sender and creates a pipe between them by forwarding all the messages received by the receiver to the sender.

from frequenz.channels import Broadcast, Pipe

channel1: Broadcast[int] = Broadcast(name="channel1")
channel2: Broadcast[int] = Broadcast(name="channel2")

receiver_chan1 = channel1.new_receiver()
sender_chan2 = channel2.new_sender()

async with Pipe(channel2.new_receiver(), channel1.new_sender()):
    await sender_chan2.send(10)
    assert await receiver_chan1.receive() == 10
Source code in frequenz/channels/experimental/
class Pipe(typing.Generic[ChannelMessageT]):
    """A pipe between two channels.

    The `Pipe` class takes a receiver and a sender and creates a pipe between them
    by forwarding all the messages received by the receiver to the sender.

        from frequenz.channels import Broadcast, Pipe

        channel1: Broadcast[int] = Broadcast(name="channel1")
        channel2: Broadcast[int] = Broadcast(name="channel2")

        receiver_chan1 = channel1.new_receiver()
        sender_chan2 = channel2.new_sender()

        async with Pipe(channel2.new_receiver(), channel1.new_sender()):
            await sender_chan2.send(10)
            assert await receiver_chan1.receive() == 10

    def __init__(
        self, receiver: Receiver[ChannelMessageT], sender: Sender[ChannelMessageT]
    ) -> None:
        """Create a new pipe between two channels.

            receiver: The receiver channel.
            sender: The sender channel.
        self._sender = sender
        self._receiver = receiver
        self._task: asyncio.Task[None] | None = None

    async def __aenter__(self) -> Pipe[ChannelMessageT]:
        """Enter the runtime context."""
        await self.start()
        return self

    async def __aexit__(
        _exc_type: typing.Type[BaseException],
        _exc: BaseException,
        _tb: typing.Any,
    ) -> None:
        """Exit the runtime context."""
        await self.stop()

    async def start(self) -> None:
        """Start this pipe if it is not already running."""
        if not self._task or self._task.done():
            self._task = asyncio.create_task(self._run())

    async def stop(self) -> None:
        """Stop this pipe."""
        if self._task and not self._task.done():
                await self._task
            except asyncio.CancelledError:

    async def _run(self) -> None:
        async for value in self._receiver:
            await self._sender.send(value)
__aenter__ async ¤
__aenter__() -> Pipe[ChannelMessageT]

Enter the runtime context.

Source code in frequenz/channels/experimental/
async def __aenter__(self) -> Pipe[ChannelMessageT]:
    """Enter the runtime context."""
    await self.start()
    return self
__aexit__ async ¤
    _exc_type: Type[BaseException],
    _exc: BaseException,
    _tb: Any,
) -> None

Exit the runtime context.

Source code in frequenz/channels/experimental/
async def __aexit__(
    _exc_type: typing.Type[BaseException],
    _exc: BaseException,
    _tb: typing.Any,
) -> None:
    """Exit the runtime context."""
    await self.stop()
__init__ ¤
    receiver: Receiver[ChannelMessageT],
    sender: Sender[ChannelMessageT],
) -> None

Create a new pipe between two channels.


The receiver channel.

TYPE: Receiver[ChannelMessageT]


The sender channel.

TYPE: Sender[ChannelMessageT]

Source code in frequenz/channels/experimental/
def __init__(
    self, receiver: Receiver[ChannelMessageT], sender: Sender[ChannelMessageT]
) -> None:
    """Create a new pipe between two channels.

        receiver: The receiver channel.
        sender: The sender channel.
    self._sender = sender
    self._receiver = receiver
    self._task: asyncio.Task[None] | None = None
start async ¤
start() -> None

Start this pipe if it is not already running.

Source code in frequenz/channels/experimental/
async def start(self) -> None:
    """Start this pipe if it is not already running."""
    if not self._task or self._task.done():
        self._task = asyncio.create_task(self._run())
stop async ¤
stop() -> None

Stop this pipe.

Source code in frequenz/channels/experimental/
async def stop(self) -> None:
    """Stop this pipe."""
    if self._task and not self._task.done():
            await self._task
        except asyncio.CancelledError:

frequenz.channels.experimental.RelaySender ¤

Bases: Generic[SenderMessageT_contra], Sender[SenderMessageT_contra]

A Sender for sending messages to multiple senders.

The RelaySender class takes multiple senders and forwards all the messages sent to it, to the senders it was created with.

from frequenz.channels import Broadcast
from frequenz.channels.experimental import RelaySender

channel1: Broadcast[int] = Broadcast(name="channel1")
channel2: Broadcast[int] = Broadcast(name="channel2")

receiver1 = channel1.new_receiver()
receiver2 = channel2.new_receiver()

tee_sender = RelaySender(channel1.new_sender(), channel2.new_sender())

await tee_sender.send(5)
assert await receiver1.receive() == 5
assert await receiver2.receive() == 5
Source code in frequenz/channels/experimental/
class RelaySender(typing.Generic[SenderMessageT_contra], Sender[SenderMessageT_contra]):
    """A Sender for sending messages to multiple senders.

    The `RelaySender` class takes multiple senders and forwards all the messages sent to
    it, to the senders it was created with.

        from frequenz.channels import Broadcast
        from frequenz.channels.experimental import RelaySender

        channel1: Broadcast[int] = Broadcast(name="channel1")
        channel2: Broadcast[int] = Broadcast(name="channel2")

        receiver1 = channel1.new_receiver()
        receiver2 = channel2.new_receiver()

        tee_sender = RelaySender(channel1.new_sender(), channel2.new_sender())

        await tee_sender.send(5)
        assert await receiver1.receive() == 5
        assert await receiver2.receive() == 5

    def __init__(self, *senders: Sender[SenderMessageT_contra]) -> None:
        """Create a new RelaySender.

            *senders: The senders to send messages to.
        self._senders = senders

    async def send(self, message: SenderMessageT_contra, /) -> None:
        """Send a message.

            message: The message to be sent.
        for sender in self._senders:
            await sender.send(message)
__init__ ¤
__init__(*senders: Sender[SenderMessageT_contra]) -> None

Create a new RelaySender.


The senders to send messages to.

TYPE: Sender[SenderMessageT_contra] DEFAULT: ()

Source code in frequenz/channels/experimental/
def __init__(self, *senders: Sender[SenderMessageT_contra]) -> None:
    """Create a new RelaySender.

        *senders: The senders to send messages to.
    self._senders = senders
send async ¤
send(message: SenderMessageT_contra) -> None

Send a message.


The message to be sent.

TYPE: SenderMessageT_contra

Source code in frequenz/channels/experimental/
async def send(self, message: SenderMessageT_contra, /) -> None:
    """Send a message.

        message: The message to be sent.
    for sender in self._senders:
        await sender.send(message)