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frequenz.repo.config.mkdocs.mike ¤

Tools to work with mike.

This module provides these tools:

Mike versions have the format vX.Y(-pre|-dev)?, where X is the major version, Y is the minor version, and the optional suffix is either -pre for pre-release versions or -dev for development versions.

Stable (tagged) versions have the format vX.Y, unless they are pre-release versions, then they have the format vX.Y-pre. Develoment branches have the format vX.Y-dev.

  • Tag v1.0.0 -> v1.0
  • Tag v2.1.0-alpha.1 -> v2.1-pre
  • Branch v1.x.x (with no releases) -> v1.0-dev
  • Branch v1.x.x (with releases an existing release, for examplev1.0.0) ->v1.1-dev`
  • Branch v1.1.x -> v1.1-dev

Aliases have the format vX(-pre|-dev)?, where X is the major version and the optional suffix is either -pre for pre-release versions or -dev for development versions. An alias is also provided to point to the latest version, which is latest for stable versions, latest-pre for pre-release versions, and latest-dev for development versions.


frequenz.repo.config.mkdocs.mike.MikeVersionInfo dataclass ¤

The information needed to publish a mike version.

This is what mike needs when publishing documentation for a particular version.

Source code in frequenz/repo/config/mkdocs/
@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class MikeVersionInfo:
    """The information needed to publish a mike version.

    This is what mike needs when publishing documentation for a particular version.

    version: str
    """The version identifier of this version."""

    title: str = ""
    """The title of this version."""

    aliases: list[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
    """The aliases of this version."""
aliases class-attribute instance-attribute ¤
aliases: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)

The aliases of this version.

title class-attribute instance-attribute ¤
title: str = ''

The title of this version.

version instance-attribute ¤
version: str

The version identifier of this version.


frequenz.repo.config.mkdocs.mike.build_mike_version ¤

    repo_info: RepoVersionInfo,
) -> MikeVersionInfo

Build the mike version information from the given repository information.

The version is build based on if a tag or a branch is checked out.

For tags, the title is the tag name, the version is "vX.Y", where X is the major version and Y is the minor version of the tag. If the tag is the last minor version for the major version, the alias "vX" is added. If the tag is the latest tag, the alias "latest" is added.

For pre-release tags it's the same but the "-pre" suffix is added to the version and the aliases.

For branches, the title is "vX.Y-dev (SHA)", where X is the major version and Y is the minor version of the branch. The version is "vX.Y-dev". If the branch is the latest branch, the alias "latest-dev" is added.


The repository information.

TYPE: RepoVersionInfo


The mike version.


If the given repository information is invalid or versions can't be determined for some other reason.

Source code in frequenz/repo/config/mkdocs/
def build_mike_version(repo_info: RepoVersionInfo) -> MikeVersionInfo:
    """Build the mike version information from the given repository information.

    The version is build based on if a tag or a branch is checked out.

    For tags, the title is the tag name, the version is "vX.Y", where X is the major
    version and Y is the minor version of the tag. If the tag is the last minor version
    for the major version, the alias "vX" is added. If the tag is the latest tag, the
    alias "latest" is added.

    For pre-release tags it's the same but the "-pre" suffix is added to the version and
    the aliases.

    For branches, the title is "vX.Y-dev (SHA)", where X is the major version and Y is
    the minor version of the branch. The version is "vX.Y-dev". If the branch is the
    latest branch, the alias "latest-dev" is added.

        repo_info: The repository information.

        The mike version.

        ValueError: If the given repository information is invalid or versions can't be
            determined for some other reason.
    title: str = ""
    version: str = ""
    aliases: list[str] = []

    if repo_info.is_tag():
        current_tag = repo_info.current_tag
        if current_tag is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The tag {repo_info.ref_name!r} is not a valid semver version",
        suffix = ""
        if current_tag.prerelease is not None:
            suffix = "-pre"
        title = repo_info.ref_name  # vX.Y.Z
        version = f"v{current_tag.major}.{current_tag.minor}{suffix}"  # vX.Y(-pre)?
        if repo_info.is_tag_last_minor_for_major():
            aliases.append(f"v{current_tag.major}{suffix}")  # vX(-pre)?
        if repo_info.is_tag_latest():
            aliases.append(f"latest{suffix}")  # latest(-pre)?
        return MikeVersionInfo(title=title, version=version, aliases=aliases)

    if repo_info.is_branch():
        current_branch = repo_info.current_branch
        if current_branch is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The branch {repo_info.ref_name!r} is not a valid branch name",
        minor: int
        if current_branch.minor is None:
            next_minor = repo_info.find_next_minor_for_major_branch()
            if next_minor is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Could not determine the next minor version for {!r}",
            minor = next_minor
            aliases.append(f"v{current_branch.major}-dev")  # vX-dev
            minor = current_branch.minor

        major = current_branch.major
        title = f"v{major}.{minor}-dev ({repo_info.sha[:7]})"
        version = f"v{major}.{minor}-dev"  # vX.Y-dev
        if repo_info.is_branch_latest():
        return MikeVersionInfo(title=title, version=version, aliases=aliases)

    raise ValueError(
        f"Don't know how to handle '{repo_info.ref}' to make 'mike' version",

frequenz.repo.config.mkdocs.mike.compare_mike_version ¤

compare_mike_version(version1: str, version2: str) -> int

Compare two versions.

The versions are compared as follows:

  • Versions are first compared by major version (X).
  • If they have the same major, then they are compared by minor version (Y).
  • If they have the same major and minor, then stable versions (vX.Y) are considered bigger than pre-releases (vX.Y-pre) and development versions (vX.Y-dev) are considered bigger than pre-releases.
  • Any other version not matching vX.Y(-pre|-dev)? is considered to be bigger than the matching versions.
  • Not matching versions are compared alphabetically.


`v1.0-pre` < `v1.0` < `v1.0-dev` < `v1.1` < `v2.0-pre` < `v2.0` < `v2.0-dev`
< `whatever` < `x`.

The first version to compare.

TYPE: str


The second version to compare.

TYPE: str


A negative number if version1 is older than version2, a positive number if version1 is newer than version2, or zero if they are equal.

Source code in frequenz/repo/config/mkdocs/
def compare_mike_version(version1: str, version2: str) -> int:
    """Compare two versions.

    The versions are compared as follows:

    - Versions are first compared by major version (`X`).
    - If they have the same major, then they are compared by minor version (`Y`).
    - If they have the same major and minor, then stable versions (`vX.Y`) are
      considered bigger than pre-releases (`vX.Y-pre`) and development versions
      (`vX.Y-dev`) are considered bigger than pre-releases.
    - Any other version not matching `vX.Y(-pre|-dev)?` is considered to be bigger than
      the matching versions.
    - Not matching versions are compared alphabetically.


        `v1.0-pre` < `v1.0` < `v1.0-dev` < `v1.1` < `v2.0-pre` < `v2.0` < `v2.0-dev`
        < `whatever` < `x`.

        version1: The first version to compare.
        version2: The second version to compare.

        A negative number if `version1` is older than `version2`, a positive number if
            `version1` is newer than `version2`, or zero if they are equal.
    is_version_v1 = _is_version_re.match(version1)
    is_version_v2 = _is_version_re.match(version2)
    if is_version_v1 and is_version_v2:
        return semver.Version.parse(_to_fake_sortable_semver(version1)).compare(

    if is_version_v1:  # version2 is not a version
        return -1
    if is_version_v2:  # version1 is not a version
        return 1

    return -1 if version1 < version2 else 1

frequenz.repo.config.mkdocs.mike.sort_mike_versions ¤

    versions: list[str], *, reverse: bool = True
) -> list[str]

Sort mike's version.json file with a custom order.

The version keys are expected as follows:

  • vX.Y for stable release versions
  • vX.Y-pre for pre-release versions
  • vX.Y-dev for development versions
  • Any other arbitrary string for other versions

The sorting order is as follows:

  • Versions are first sorted by major version (X).
  • Inside a major version group, versions are sorted by minor version (Y).
  • For the same major and minor version, development versions (-dev) considered the latest for that major version group, then stable versions, and finally pre-release versions (-pre).
  • Other versions appear first and are sorted alphabetically.

The versions are sorted in-place using compare_mike_version().


`z`, `whatever`, `v2.1-dev`, `v2.1`, `v2.1-pre`, `v2.0`, `v1.1-dev`, `v1.0-dev`,

The list of versions to sort.

TYPE: list[str]


Whether to sort in reverse order.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


The sorted list of versions.

Source code in frequenz/repo/config/mkdocs/
def sort_mike_versions(versions: list[str], *, reverse: bool = True) -> list[str]:
    """Sort `mike`'s `version.json` file with a custom order.

    The `version` keys are expected as follows:

    - `vX.Y` for stable release versions
    - `vX.Y-pre` for pre-release versions
    - `vX.Y-dev` for development versions
    - Any other arbitrary string for other versions

    The sorting order is as follows:

    - Versions are first sorted by major version (`X`).
    - Inside a major version group, versions are sorted by minor version (`Y`).
    - For the same major and minor version, development versions (`-dev`) considered
      the latest for that major version group, then stable versions, and finally
      pre-release versions (`-pre`).
    - Other versions appear first and are sorted alphabetically.

    The versions are sorted in-place using


        `z`, `whatever`, `v2.1-dev`, `v2.1`, `v2.1-pre`, `v2.0`, `v1.1-dev`, `v1.0-dev`,

        versions: The list of versions to sort.
        reverse: Whether to sort in reverse order.

        The sorted list of versions.
    versions.sort(key=functools.cmp_to_key(compare_mike_version), reverse=reverse)
    return versions