Configuration management.
To provide dynamic configurations to an application, you can use the
class. This class provides
a convenient interface to manage configurations from multiple config files and receive
updates when the configurations change. Users can create a receiver to receive
configurations from the manager.
To use the ConfigManager
, you need to create an instance of it and pass the
paths to the configuration files. The configuration files must be in the TOML
When specifying multiple files order matters, as the configuration will be read and updated in the order of the paths, so the last path will override the configuration set by the previous paths. Dict keys will be merged recursively, but other objects (like lists) will be replaced by the value in the last path.
from frequenz.sdk.config import ConfigManager
async with ConfigManager(["base-config.toml", "overrides.toml"]) as config_manager:
The ConfigManager
can also instantiate
a LoggingConfigUpdatingActor
monitor logging configurations. This actor will listen for logging configuration changes
and update the logging configuration accordingly.
This feature is enabled by default using the key logging
in the configuration file. To
disable it you can pass logging_config_key=None
to the ConfigManager
Receiving configurations¤
To receive configurations, you can create a receiver using the [new_receiver()
frequenz.sdk.config.ConfigManager.new_receiver] method. The receiver will receive
configurations from the manager for a particular key, and validate and load the
configurations to a dataclass using marshmallow_dataclass
If the key is a sequence of strings, it will be treated as a nested key and the
receiver will receive the configuration under the nested key. For example
["key", "subkey"]
will get only config["key"]["subkey"]
Besides a configuration instance, the receiver can also receive exceptions if there are
errors loading the configuration (typically
a ValidationError
), or None
if there is no
configuration for the key.
The value under key
must be another mapping, otherwise
a InvalidValueForKeyError
instance will
be sent to the receiver.
If there were any errors loading the configuration, the error will be logged too.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from frequenz.sdk.config import ConfigManager
@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class AppConfig:
test: int
async with ConfigManager("config.toml") as config_manager:
receiver = config_manager.new_receiver("app", AppConfig)
app_config = await receiver.receive()
match app_config:
case AppConfig(test=42):
print("App configured with 42")
case Exception() as error:
print(f"Error loading configuration: {error}")
case None:
print("There is no configuration for the app key")
Validation and loading¤
The configuration class used to create the configuration instance is expected to be
a dataclasses.dataclass
, which is used to create a marshmallow.Schema
the marshmallow_dataclass.class_schema
This means you can customize the schema derived from the configuration
dataclass using marshmallow_dataclass
to specify extra validation and
options via field metadata.
Customization can also be done via a base_schema
. By default
is used to provide support
for some extra commonly used fields (like quantities) and to
exclude unknown fields by default.
import marshmallow.validate
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class Config:
test: int = field(
metadata={"validate": marshmallow.validate.Range(min=0)},
Additional arguments can be passed to marshmallow.Schema.load
the marshmallow_load_kwargs
keyword arguments.
When marshmallow.EXCLUDE
is used, a warning will be logged if there are extra
fields in the configuration that are excluded. This is useful, for example, to catch
typos in the configuration file.
Skipping superfluous updates¤
If there is a burst of configuration updates, the receiver will only receive the last configuration, older configurations will be ignored.
If skip_unchanged
is set to True
, then a configuration that didn't change
compared to the last one received will be ignored and not sent to the receiver.
The comparison is done using the raw dict
to determine if the configuration
has changed.
Error handling¤
The value under key
must be another mapping, otherwise an error
will be logged and a frequenz.sdk.config.InvalidValueForKeyError
will be sent to the receiver.
Configurations that don't pass the validation will be logged as an error and
the ValidationError
sent to the receiver.
Any other unexpected error raised during the configuration loading will be logged as an error and the error instance sent to the receiver.
Further customization¤
If you have special needs for receiving the configurations (for example validating using
doesn't fit your needs), you can create a custom receiver using
directly. Please bear in mind that this provides a low-level access to the whole config
in the file as a raw Python mapping.
Recommended usage¤
Actors that need to be reconfigured should take a configuration manager and a key to receive configurations updates, and instantiate the new receiver themselves. This allows actors to have full control over how the configuration is loaded (for example providing a custom base schema or marshmallow options).
Passing the key explicitly too allows application to structure the configuration in whatever way is most convenient for the application.
Actors can use the wait_for_first()
function to
wait for the first configuration to be received, and cache the configuration for later
use and in case the actor is restarted. If the configuration is not received after some
timeout, a asyncio.TimeoutError
will be raised (and if uncaught, the actor will
be automatically restarted after some delay).
Actor that can run without a configuration (using a default configuration)
import dataclasses
import logging
from import Sequence
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import assert_never
from frequenz.channels import select, selected_from
from frequenz.channels.event import Event
from import Actor
from frequenz.sdk.config import ConfigManager, wait_for_first
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class MyActorConfig:
some_config: timedelta = dataclasses.field(
default=timedelta(seconds=42), # (1)!
metadata={"metadata": {"description": "Some optional configuration"}},
class MyActor(Actor):
def __init__(
config_manager: ConfigManager,
config_key: str | Sequence[str],
name: str | None = None,
) -> None:
self._config_manager = config_manager
self._config_key = config_key
self._config: MyActorConfig = MyActorConfig() # (2)!
async def _run(self) -> None:
config_receiver = self._config_manager.new_receiver(
self._config_key, MyActorConfig
await wait_for_first(
config_receiver, receiver_name=str(self), allow_none=True # (3)!
other_receiver = Event()
async for selected in select(config_receiver, other_receiver):
if selected_from(selected, config_receiver):
elif selected_from(selected, other_receiver):
# Do something else
def _update_config(self, config_update: MyActorConfig | Exception | None) -> None:
match config_update:
case MyActorConfig() as config:"New configuration received, updating.")
case None:"Configuration was unset, resetting to the default")
self._reconfigure(MyActorConfig()) # (4)!
case Exception(): # (5)!
"New configuration has errors, keeping the old configuration."
case unexpected:
def _reconfigure(self, config: MyActorConfig) -> None:
self._config = config
# Do something with the new configuration
- This is different when the actor requires a configuration to run. Here, the config has a default value.
- This is different when the actor requires a configuration to run. Here, the actor can just instantiate a default configuration.
- This is different when the actor requires a configuration to run. Here, the actor
can accept a
configuration. - This is different when the actor requires a configuration to run. Here, the actor can reset to a default configuration.
- There is no need to log the error itself, the configuration manager will log it automatically.
Actor that requires a configuration to run
import dataclasses
import logging
from import Sequence
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import assert_never
from frequenz.channels import select, selected_from
from frequenz.channels.event import Event
from import Actor
from frequenz.sdk.config import ConfigManager, wait_for_first
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class MyActorConfig:
some_config: timedelta = dataclasses.field( # (1)!
metadata={"metadata": {"description": "Some required configuration"}},
class MyActor(Actor):
def __init__(
config_manager: ConfigManager,
config_key: str | Sequence[str],
name: str | None = None,
) -> None:
self._config_manager = config_manager
self._config_key = config_key
self._config: MyActorConfig # (2)!
async def _run(self) -> None:
config_receiver = self._config_manager.new_receiver(
self._config_key, MyActorConfig
await wait_for_first(config_receiver, receiver_name=str(self)) # (3)!
other_receiver = Event()
async for selected in select(config_receiver, other_receiver):
if selected_from(selected, config_receiver):
elif selected_from(selected, other_receiver):
# Do something else
def _update_config(self, config_update: MyActorConfig | Exception | None) -> None:
match config_update:
case MyActorConfig() as config:"New configuration received, updating.")
case None:"Configuration was unset, keeping the old configuration.") # (4)!
case Exception(): # (5)!
"New configuration has errors, keeping the old configuration."
case unexpected:
def _reconfigure(self, config: MyActorConfig) -> None:
self._config = config
# Do something with the new configuration
- This is different when the actor can use a default configuration. Here, the field is required, so there is no default configuration possible.
- This is different when the actor can use a default configuration. Here, the
assignment of the configuration is delayed to the
method. - This is different when the actor can use a default configuration. Here, the actor
doesn't accept
as a valid configuration as it can't create a default configuration. - This is different when the actor can use a default configuration. Here, the actor
doesn't accept
as a valid configuration as it can't create a default configuration, so it needs to keep the old configuration. - There is no need to log the error itself, the configuration manager will log it automatically.
The pattern used by the application is very similar to the one used by actors. In this case the application requires a configuration to run, but if it could also use a default configuration, the changes would be the same as in the actor examples.
import asyncio
import dataclasses
import logging
import pathlib
from import Sequence
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import Sequence, assert_never
from import Actor
from frequenz.sdk.config import ConfigManager, wait_for_first
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MyActor(Actor): # (1)!
def __init__(
self, config_manager: ConfigManager, /, *, config_key: str | Sequence[str]
) -> None:
self._config_manager = config_manager
self._config_key = config_key
async def _run(self) -> None: ...
@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class AppConfig:
enable_actor: bool = dataclasses.field(
metadata={"metadata": {"description": "Whether to enable the actor"}},
class App:
def __init__(self, *, config_paths: Sequence[pathlib.Path]):
self._config_manager = ConfigManager(config_paths)
self._config_receiver = self._config_manager.new_receiver("app", AppConfig)
self._actor = MyActor(self._config_manager, config_key="actor")
async def _update_config(self, config_update: AppConfig | Exception | None) -> None:
match config_update:
case AppConfig() as config:"New configuration received, updating.")
await self._reconfigure(config)
case None:"Configuration was unset, keeping the old configuration.")
case Exception():"New configuration has errors, keeping the old configuration.")
case unexpected:
async def _reconfigure(self, config: AppConfig) -> None:
if config.enable_actor:
await self._actor.stop()
async def run(self) -> None:"Starting App...")
async with self._config_manager:
await self._update_config(
await wait_for_first(self._config_receiver, receiver_name="app")
)"Waiting for configuration updates...")
async for config_update in self._config_receiver:
await self._reconfigure(config_update)
if __name__ == "__main__":"config.toml").run())
- Look for the actor examples for a proper implementation of the actor.
Example configuration file: